HomeCare Hospice staff checking patient's blood pressure
HomeCare Hospice patient writing a testimonial
HomeCare Hospice volunteer playing cards with a patient
HomeCare Hospice staff helping patient in a wheelchair
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HomeCare Hospice staff and patient looking over brochure

HomeCare Hospice and COVID-19: What You Need to Know

HomeCare Hospice is committed to protecting our patients and providing continuous hospice care during the COVID-19 pandemic. As usual, we are always available — 24/7, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Regardless of where our patients consider home, we are prepared to maintain the quality of care we have always provided.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced our commitment to caring for the people of Mississippi. The safety of our patients, employees, and local communities is HomeCare Hospice’s first concern.

We understand that if you have any questions or concerns about you or a loved one receiving in-person care. HomeCare Hospice is following the Safety Guidelines from the CDC as well as our state representatives.

We offer all patients a commitment to an unwavering focus on their safety.

For resources on how to protect yourself, what to do if you think you are sick, and more, listed below for your convenience are links to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as Mississippi State Department of Health. It is important that you receive the most updated and accurate information available.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Mississippi State Department of Health Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

If you would like to speak to a representative of HomeCare Hospice to learn more information on what we are doing to help flatten the curve and maintain patient, employee, and community safety, feel free to contact us – day or night.